
Input file

Options of the main KIMMDY input file

Command Line Interface

Arguments of all KIMMDY parts.

Python API

Start KIMMDY from a python script or the command line

cmd Functions for starting KIMMDY either from python or the command line.


Topology modules

topology.atomic Atomic datatypes for the topology such as Atom, Bond, Angle, Dihedral, etc.
parsing.TopologyDict A raw representation of a topology file returned by read_top.



analysis Analysis tools for KIMMDY runs.
cmd Functions for starting KIMMDY either from python or the command line.
config Read and validate kimmdy.yml configuration files
constants Comstants used throughout KIMMDY
coordinates coordinate, topology and plumed modification functions
kmc Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) classes and functions.
parsing All read_<…> and write_<…> functions.
plugins Plugin base classes and basic instances thereof.
recipe Contains the Reaction Recipe, RecipeStep and RecipeCollection.
runmanager The Runmanager is the main entry point of the program.
schema Handle the schema for the config file.
tasks The tasks module holds the TaskFiles class which organizes input and
tools Standalone tools that are complementary to KIMMDY.
utils Utilities for building plugins, shell convenience functions and GROMACS related functions

Reaction Plugins

Reaction plugins bundled with KIMMDY and the protocol to add a new reaction plugin to KIMMDY

homolysis.reaction.Homolysis Homolytic bond breaking leading to 2 radicals.
hat_naive.reaction.NaiveHAT Naive HAT reaction, selects hydrogens at random
dummyreaction.reaction.DummyReaction Dummy reaction, returns empty RecipeCollection
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