


Name Description
MoleculeType One moleculetype in the topology
Topology Smart container for parsed topology data.


topology.topology.MoleculeType(self, header, atomics, radicals=None)

One moleculetype in the topology


Name Type Description
atoms dict[str, Atom]
bonds dict[tuple[str, str], Bond]
pairs dict[tuple[str, str], Pair]
angles dict[tuple[str, str, str], Angle]
proper_dihedrals dict[tuple[str, str, str, str], MultipleDihedrals]
improper_dihedrals dict[tuple[str, str, str, str], Dihedral]
position_restraints dict[str, PositionRestraint]
dihedral_restraints dict[tuple[str, str, str, str], DihedralRestraint]
radicals dict[str, Atom] dict mapping atom indices to atom objects for storing all radical atoms


Name Description
find_radicals Find atoms that are radicals and update self.radicals.
reindex_atomnrs Reindex atom numbers in topology.


Find atoms that are radicals and update self.radicals.

Iterate over all atoms and designate them as radicals if they have fewer bounds than their natural bond order.



Reindex atom numbers in topology.

Starts at index 1. This also updates the numbers for bonds, angles, dihedrals and pairs. Returns a dict, mapping of old atom number strings to new ones


topology.topology.Topology(self, top, parametrizer=BasicParameterizer(), is_reactive_predicate_f=is_not_solvent_or_ion, radicals=None, residuetypes_path=None, reactive_nrexcl=None)

Smart container for parsed topology data.

A topology keeps track of connections when bonds are broken or formed. Reparametrization is triggerd automatically if to_dict is called after bonds have changed.


  • the topology of interest (the Reactive moleculetype) consists of the first moleculetypes (non-solvent).


Name Type Description Default
top TopologyDict A dictionary containing the parsed topology data, produced by kimmdy.parsing.read_top required
parametrizer Parameterizer The parametrizer to use when reparametrizing the topology. BasicParameterizer()
is_reactive_predicate_f Callable[[str], bool] A function that takes a moleculetype name and returns True if the moleculetype should be merged into the reactive moleculetype. is_not_solvent_or_ion
radicals Optional[str] A string of atom numbers that are radicals. None
residuetypes_path Optional[Path] Path to the residue types file. None
reactive_nrexcl Optional[str] Overwrite nrexcl value for the reactive moleculetype. Otherwise takes the nrexcl of the first reactive moleculetype. None


Name Description
bind_bond Add a bond in topology.
break_bond Break bonds in topology homolytically.
del_atom Deletes atom
reindex_atomnrs Reindex atom numbers in topology.
update_partial_charges Update the topology atom partial charges.
validate_bond Validates bond consistency between both atoms and top


Add a bond in topology.

Modifies the topology dictionary in place. It keeps track of affected terms in the topology via a graph representation of the topology and applies the necessary changes to bonds, angles and dihedrals (proper and improper). Furthermore, it modifies to function types in the topology to account for radicals.

Name Type Description Default
atompair_addresses tuple[TopologyAtomAddress, TopologyAtomAddress] Atoms to bind together. required


Break bonds in topology homolytically.

Removes bond, angles and dihedrals where atompair was involved. Modifies the topology dictionary in place. Atom pairs become radicals.

Name Type Description Default
atompair_addresses tuple[TopologyAtomAddress, TopologyAtomAddress] Between which atoms to break the bond. required

topology.topology.Topology.del_atom(atom_nr, parameterize=True)

Deletes atom

Deletes atom and all attached bonds. Reindexes the top and updates the parameters if requested. Also moves charges to first bound_nrs atom.

Name Type Description Default
atom_nr Union[list[str], str] 1-based atom number as string to delete required
parameterize bool If true and bonds are removed triggers reparameterization, by default True True
Type Description
update_map Dict, mapping of old atom number strings to new ones.


Reindex atom numbers in topology.

Starts at index 1. This also updates the numbers for bonds, angles, dihedrals and pairs. Returns a dict of all moleculetypes to their update maps (old -> new).



Update the topology atom partial charges.

This function must be called after the recipe_steps are applied. Changes are based on the recipe_steps. Update rules follow a simple assignment scheme that works well with grappa. If fragments are created, their partial charges are kept integers. If previously broken bonds are formed again, the original partial charges are restored.


topology.topology.Topology.validate_bond(atm1, atm2)

Validates bond consistency between both atoms and top Returns True if bond exists, False if not. Raises RuntimeError if bond is not consistent.

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