CLI Arguments

The prefered method of starting a KIMMDY run is via the command line, though Python entry points are supported as well.


!kimmdy --help
usage: kimmdy [-h] [--input INPUT] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
              [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--show-plugins]
              [--generate-jobscript] [--version] [--debug] [--callgraph]

Welcome to KIMMDY. `kimmdy` runs KIMMDY, further tools are available as
`kimmdy-...` commands. These are `-analysis`, `-modify-top` and `-build-
examples`. Access their help with `kimmdy-... -h.`

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Kimmdy input file. Default `kimmdy.yml`
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT, -c CHECKPOINT
                        File path of a kimmdy.cpt file to restart KIMMDY from
                        a checkpoint. If a directory is given, the file
                        kimmdy.cpt in that directory is used.
  --loglevel LOGLEVEL, -l LOGLEVEL
                        logging level (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG)
  --logfile LOGFILE, -f LOGFILE
  --show-plugins        List available plugins
  --generate-jobscript  Instead of running KIMMDY directly, generate at
               for slurm HPC clusters.You can then run
                        this jobscript with sbatch
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --debug               on error, drop into debugger
  --callgraph           Generate visualization of function calls. Mostly
                        useful for debugging and documentation.


!kimmdy-analysis --help
usage: kimmdy-analysis [-h] module ...

Welcome to the KIMMDY analysis module. Use this module to analyse existing
KIMMDY runs.

positional arguments:
    trjcat            Concatenate trajectories of a KIMMDY run
    energy            Plot GROMACS energy for a KIMMDY run
                      Plot population of radicals for one or multiple KIMMDY
    rates             Plot rates of all possible reactions after a MD run.
                      Rates must have been saved!
    runtime           Plot runtime of the tasks of a kimmdy run.

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

Remove Hydrogen

This module builds or restores the example directory in the package.

!kimmdy-modify-top --help
usage: kimmdy-modify-top [-h] [-p] [-r REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...]] [-c GROFILE]
                         [-t RESIDUETYPES] [-x RADICALS]
                         top out

Welcome to the KIMMDY modify top module

positional arguments:
  top                   GROMACS top file
  out                   Output top file name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --parameterize    Parameterize topology with grappa. (default: False)
  -r REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...], --removeH REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...]
                        Remove one or more hydrogens by atom nrs in the top
                        file. (default: None)
  -c GROFILE, --grofile GROFILE
                        If necessary, also apply actions on gro file to create
                        a compatible gro/top file pair. (default: None)
                        GROMACS style residuetypes file. Necessary for
                        parameterization with non-amber atom types. (default:
  -x RADICALS, --radicals RADICALS
                        Radicals in the system PRIOR to removing hydrogens
                        with the removeH option. (default: )


This module builds or restores the example directory in the package.

!kimmdy-build-examples --help
usage: kimmdy-build-examples [-h] [-r [RESTORE]]

Build examples for KIMMDY.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r [RESTORE], --restore [RESTORE]
                        Overwrite input files in existing example directories,
                        use keyword 'hard' to also delete output files.
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