
CLI Arguments

The prefered method of starting a KIMMDY run is via the command line, though Python entry points are supported as well.


!kimmdy --help
usage: kimmdy [-h] [--input INPUT] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--logfile LOGFILE]
              [--show-plugins] [--generate-jobscript] [--version] [--debug]

Welcome to KIMMDY. `kimmdy` runs KIMMDY, further tools are available as
`kimmdy-...` commands. These are `-analysis`, `-modify-top` and `-build-
examples`. Access their help with `kimmdy-... -h.`

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Kimmdy input file. Default `kimmdy.yml`
  --loglevel LOGLEVEL, -l LOGLEVEL
                        logging level (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG)
  --logfile LOGFILE, -f LOGFILE
  --show-plugins        List available plugins
  --generate-jobscript  Instead of running KIMMDY directly, generate at
               for slurm HPC clusters.You can then run
                        this jobscript with sbatch
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --debug               on error, drop into debugger
  --callgraph           Generate visualization of function calls. Mostly
                        useful for debugging and documentation.
!kimmdy-analysis --help
usage: kimmdy-analysis [-h] module ...

Welcome to the KIMMDY analysis module. Use this module to analyse existing
KIMMDY runs.

positional arguments:
    trjcat              Concatenate trajectories of a KIMMDY run
    energy              Plot GROMACS energy for a KIMMDY run
    radical_population  Plot population of radicals for one or multiple KIMMDY
    radical_migration   Create a json of radical migration events for further
    rates               Plot rates of all possible reactions after a MD run.
                        Rates must have been saved!
    runtime             Plot runtime of the tasks of a kimmdy run.
                        Plot counts of reaction participation per atom id

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Create plumed input

This module creates input files for plumed based on a topology and index file.

!kimmdy-create-plumed --help
usage: kimmdy-create-plumed [-h] [--entries-to-remove [ENTRIES_TO_REMOVE ...]]
                            [--stride STRIDE] -p TOP -i INDEX --indexgroup

Build plumed input file. Requires a topology file and a gromacs index file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --entries-to-remove [ENTRIES_TO_REMOVE ...]
                        Either atomnames or bonds, i.e. atomnames separated by
                        a hyphen that should not be written to the plumed
                        configuration file. Default: C-N H* O*
  --stride STRIDE       Frequency of plumed output as multiple of the md
                        timestep. Default: 100
  -p TOP, --top TOP     Gromacs topology file path.
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        Gromacs index file path.
  --indexgroup INDEXGROUP
                        Index group name out of which bonds will be written to
                        the plumed configuration file.

Remove Hydrogen

This module builds or restores the example directory in the package.

!kimmdy-modify-top --help
usage: kimmdy-modify-top [-h] [-p] [--grappa_tag GRAPPA_TAG]
                         [--grappa_charge_model GRAPPA_CHARGE_MODEL]
                         [-r REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...]] [-c GRO] [-a]
                         [-t RESIDUETYPES] [-x RADICALS [RADICALS ...]]
                         [-w INCLUDE] [-b EXCLUDE]
                         top out

Welcome to the KIMMDY modify top module

positional arguments:
  top                   GROMACS top file
  out                   Output top file name. Stem reused for gro if

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --parameterize    Parameterize topology with grappa. (default: False)
  --grappa_tag GRAPPA_TAG
                        Set grappa model tag for parameterization. (default:
  --grappa_charge_model GRAPPA_CHARGE_MODEL
                        Set grappa charge model for parameterization.
                        (default: amber99)
  -r REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...], --removeH REMOVEH [REMOVEH ...]
                        Remove one or more hydrogens by atom nrs in the top
                        file. (default: None)
  -c GRO, --gro GRO     If necessary, also apply actions on gro file to create
                        a compatible gro/top file pair. Output analog to top.
                        (default: None)
  -a, --search_amber_rad
                        Automatic radical search only implemented for amber.
                        If you douse another ff, set this to false, and
                        provide a list of radicalsmanually, if necessary.
                        (default: False)
                        GROMACS style residuetypes file. Necessary for
                        parameterization with non-amber atom types. (default:
  -x RADICALS [RADICALS ...], --radicals RADICALS [RADICALS ...]
                        Radicals in the system PRIOR to removing hydrogens
                        with the removeH option. (default: None)
  -w INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        Include certain GROMACS topology molecules in
                        `Reactive` molecule. Reads molecule names from a csv
                        file. (default: None)
  -b EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        Exclude certain GROMACS topology molecules in
                        `Reactive` molecule. Reads molecule names from a csv
                        file. (default: None)


This module builds or restores the example directory in the package.

!kimmdy-build-examples --help
usage: kimmdy-build-examples [-h] [-r [RESTORE]]

Build examples for KIMMDY.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r [RESTORE], --restore [RESTORE]
                        Overwrite input files in existing example directories,
                        use keyword 'hard' to also delete output files.
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