

Standalone tools that are complementary to KIMMDY.


Name Description
build_examples Build example directories for KIMMDY from integration tests.
edgelist_to_dot_graph Convert a list of edges to a dot graph.
entry_point_build_examples Build examples from the command line.
entry_point_modify_top Modify topology file in various ways
get_build_example_cmdline_args Parse command line arguments.
get_modify_top_cmdline_args parse cmdline args for modify_top
modify_top Modify topology in various ways.
top_to_graph Convert a topology to a dot graph.
topology_to_edgelist Convert a topology to a list of edges for a dot graph.
write_top_as_dot Write a topology as a dot graph to a file.



Build example directories for KIMMDY from integration tests.


Name Type Description Default
restore str If True, overwrite input files in existing example directories. If “hard”, also delete output files. required


tools.edgelist_to_dot_graph(ls, overlap='true')

Convert a list of edges to a dot graph.



Build examples from the command line.



Modify topology file in various ways



Parse command line arguments.


Type Description
Namespace parsed command line arguments



parse cmdline args for modify_top


tools.modify_top(topology, out, parameterize=False, grappa_tag='latest', grappa_charge_model='amber99', removeH=None, gro=None, residuetypes=None, radicals=None, search_amber_rad=True, include=None, exclude=None)

Modify topology in various ways.


Name Type Description Default
topology str Path to GROMACS top file required
out str Output topology file path, stem also used for gro. Can be relative to cwd. required
parameterize bool Parameterize topology with grappa after removing hydrogen False
grappa_tag str grappa model tag for parameterization. 'latest'
grappa_charge_model str grappa charge model for parameterization. 'amber99'
removeH Optional[list[int]] Remove one or more hydrogens by atom nrs in the top file. One based. None
gro Optional[str] GROMACS gro input file. Updates structure when deleting H. Output named like top output. None
residuetypes Optional[str] GROMACS style residuetypes file. Necessary for parameterization with non-amber atom types. None
radicals Optional[list[int]] Radicals in the system PRIOR to removing hydrogens with the removeH option. One based. Can be detected automatically in amber topologies. None
search_amber_rad bool Automatic radical search only implemented for amber. If you do use another ff, set this to false, and provide a list of radicals manually, if necessary. True
include Optional[str] Include certain GROMACS topology molecules in Reactive molecule. Reads molecule names from a csv file. None
exclude Optional[str] Exclude certain GROMACS topology molecules in Reactive molecule. Reads molecule names from a csv file. None


tools.top_to_graph(top, overlap='true')

Convert a topology to a dot graph.

Can be used in notebooks to write a dot file and render with quarto.



Convert a topology to a list of edges for a dot graph.


tools.write_top_as_dot(top, path, overlap='true')

Write a topology as a dot graph to a file.

Can be used in notebooks to write a dot file and render with quarto.

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